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Koha & Membership


Your koha and membership payments go towards our campaign for a Basic Income (BI) in New Zealand. The support you give helps increase awareness and popularity of BI amongst the New Zealand public and encourages our politicians to adopt BI as policy.

For first time donors and members please click on the 'Membership Form' button above to fill out a contact form. Scroll down to see payment options and payment instructions.



Payment Options






















Payment Instructions


Online Transfer


Name of account: Basic Income New Zealand Incorporated
Account number: 38-9017-0211892-00
Reference: Your name and 'KOH' - for koha, or your name and 'MEM' - for membership (Gold Coin payment made annually), or your name and 'REG' - for regular donation.


If you would like us to acknowledge a koha given directly from your internet account, we will need your contact details - please email us at with them.

Donate or Subscribe as Member 


Become a member of the Basic Income movement in New Zealand by subscribing as a member to BINZ - the annual membership fee is $10. To further support the movement you can gift a koha. See payment instructions below.


Regular Donations 


Making regular contributions is a really valuable way to help us plan for the future while also reducing administration costs.  You can set up your own online payment via internet banking to our bank account listed  below.  Or simply download your bank's automatic payment form, fill it in and take it into your bank.


Please email us at  to let us know, with your name and contact details.  Annual receipts can be issued after the end of each financial year - March 31st.




Gifts left in Wills are an important source of income for Basic Income New Zealand (BINZ).  Any amount, large or small, will help.  We are always grateful for what you can give.  If you have already made a Will, you can still leave a gift to Basic Income New Zealand, if you so wish, next time you update it. 

Anchor 1



To gift a koha by post, or to pay for membership ($10 payment made annually), please make cheques out to:


'Basic Income New Zealand Incorporated' and mail to:


The Treasurer

Basic Income New Zealand

17 Allen Tce

Wellington, 5028

New Zealand.

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